Every Spring I like to get down & dirty... and do some planting. I love growing my own fruits & veggies to enjoy the benefits of truly fresh food. I am by all means just a beginner gardener... and you know what? I'm quite satisfied with being a beginner. Last year I made out 50/50 with my growing success because I tried to step up to intermediate... I attempted to grow bell peppers from seedlings, needless to say I was not eating bell peppers as I had so ambitiously hoped. The year before that it was a Strawberry Topsy Turvey fiasco! So this year I'm doing it right... I'm not striving for over achiever status, I'm keeping it simple. Here are my steps to simple gardening. It all starts with a visit to your garden supply store then finding the plants that are already growing!!! :)
Grab a bag or two of Miracle Grow Gardening Soil, if you are planting in containers make sure to get those too.... usually big ones are best, you don't want to over crowd your plants.
Now get home and start planting!

1-Fill your containers with soil,
skip this step if you are planting in the ground ;)
2- Dig a hole
3- Pop your already growing plant in the hole
4- Surround it with soil
5- Water and put in the sun
Each plant is different so make sure you read their care labels.
This year I'm looking forward to Sweet Basil, Sweet Peppers, Hot Peppers, Japanese Eggplant and Beef Steak Tomatoes
So Easy! I hope you give it a try, let me know how your plants turn out :)